Dividends, dividend calendar & AGM dates
Here's how you could go about it
When looking for dividend stocks, make sure that they generate sustainable profits and that shareholders also participate in this success (how many years has the company already been paying dividends, how high is the payout ratio and how stable are the annual dividend payments, ideally the dividend even increases year after year).
Dividend aristocrats or also called dividend nobles are particularly worth mentioning in this case and definitely worth a look.
Don't be blinded by the dividend yield alone, because there are also companies that want to distract from a poor share price performance with high dividends.
The dividend is a part of the profit of a public limited company which it distributes to its shareholders. Due to the low interest rates on savings, people say that dividends are the new interest rates on savings, but this is more than incorrect, because a share has considerably more risks (but also opportunities) than a savings account.
What is there to know about dividends and their distribution?
The AGM decides how high the dividend should be that is distributed to the shareholders. The proposal for the amount of the dividend comes from the board of directors. The dividend is usually paid out from the profits of the company; if this does not happen, the substance of the company is being attacked and here all alarm bells should be ringing! Some companies, however, pay out dividends even when they are making losses (on the safe assumption that sustainable profits will soon return) and other companies do not pay out any profits at all in the form of dividends. Especially growth-oriented companies or companies that have to use profits to pay off debts do not distribute profits. A prominent example of a growth-oriented company in how long does exness withdrawal take is Google, now Alphabet. Despite high profits, there has never been a distribution of profits. All profits are reinvested.
We have listed the current dividends, the dividend yield as well as the respective AGM dates and ex-dividend days to draw your attention to companies that could be exciting for you to invest in.
Dividend companies in the USA
The USA is probably the true home for dividend lovers, because there are many securities that pursue a long-term dividend policy and blue chips that really are still blue chips. These often bear well-known names such as IBM, Coca Cola, Microsoft or Pepsi. Rich returns from dividends make the investor more than happy.
The dividend is paid on the record date to the share holder's clearing account. How much the shareholder receives in dividends depends on the number of shares and the dividend per share decided at the annual general meeting.
Calculation formula:
Dividend payment = number of shares x amount of dividend.
Any withholding tax or capital gains tax is deducted from this amount. For dividends in foreign currency, the current exchange rate of the online broker is used.
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