Margin call: trading
Margin call: trading is a high-risk business
However, not all traders are aware of the possible consequences of trading leveraged products. If the price moves in the expected direction, the leverage can lead to handsome profits.
However, if the price moves in the opposite direction, the security deposits are ultimately lost. In this case, the margin call is activated. What does this mean? A margin call occurs when the broker informs the trader that his account balance does not meet the minimum deposit. There is not enough capital to keep the position open. What happens when a margin call occurs? Either the trader exits his position and takes the loss. Money is also paid to reach the required margin.
Problem: Market fluctuations can cause so much volatility that margin calls can be torn at such a rapid pace that it is hard to imagine a possible reaction. A good example of this is the 2015 devaluation of the franc, in which investors with leveraged products suffered very large losses. They were forced to make additional margin calls.
Margin call: The result of the margin in the securities account
Things get exciting when the margin call triggers a not-margin call. Background: The broker receives a margin call guarantee that the money (in this case a margin call) will be paid into his trading account in case of an emergency. Margin calls can be very serious, as the devaluation of the Swiss franc has shown. Many traders fled here with debts amounting to tens of thousands of euros.
But it is possible to avoid such situations. It is not difficult to find the right broker. The margin call at brokers in the EU is taboo (at least for private investors). Overseas providers are not affected by this ban.
Risk management, on the other hand, is crucial. This includes managing one's own bankroll. The position sizes are chosen in such a way that, in the worst case, losses do not occur immediately. Trading with order supplements is just as important. It is especially important to set a stop loss. This prevents losses from assuming uncontrollable proportions. This is how the stop loss works.
The stop loss in download mt5 defines a price loss/capital loss and a position is automatically closed. Important: You must use a guaranteed stop loss if you do not want to take the risk of forex or CFD trading with margin calls. The broker guarantees that the trade will be closed at the agreed price.
Expert Tip:
Trading with leverage offers many opportunities. It can help you make high profits with little capital. However, it is also associated with high risks.
It is possible that the position is not closed in time with a simple stop loss. In overnight transactions, dealing with the margin can be difficult. This is the case when the price of the transaction is closed and starts again the next day. Sometimes the correction is so strong that the margin is no longer sufficient.
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