
How to solve a holiday riddle

It's not easy for a manager to satisfy all holiday requests. But it can usually be solved with good planning and a constructive approach.

1 Start planning on time

When you start planning a holiday depends a bit on the business and how many people are involved. But in general, it's a good idea to start as early as possible. As early as February, you as a manager can start probing and asking employees to think about it. Maybe there is someone who wants to take paternity leave over the summer, and then it's good to find out about it in time. As a manager, you may want to think about whether you can solve the staffing problem over the holidays at the expense of existing staff or whether you will have to bring in substitutes over the holidays.

2 Delegate

If the working party works well together and a constructive spirit is present, you may allow the group to solve the holiday conundrum together. But it is essential that the leader clearly understands what the conditions and rules of the game are, and provides answers about what minimum staffing levels are required. There is also a need for frequent agreement between the manager and staff as to how the planning goes. 

3 Make a visual plan

By placing holiday planning in the office or meeting room, it becomes clear to everyone what requests there are and what periods may be difficult. Then everyone can get an overview of how the planning is going and what may not have been resolved. It's not a bad idea to have a space where employees share their holiday plans (this brings them closer) and travel destinations that can't be missed. For example, such as in this thread: https://listor.se/livsstil/10-resmal-du-inte-vill-missa/.

4 Create space for holidays

Depending on what business looks like and what work peaks exist, the employer can decide whether or not to create space for a holiday. If business slows down in July, it may be OK to slow down work or even shut it down for a while. Just remember to make this clear, for example by contacting customers in advance and automatically responding to emails. If there are availability requirements, you can think about what you mean by availability and do an analysis based on what the need looks like. Needs-based recruitment builds trust and confidence among employees.

5 Encourage collective leave

Try to allow employees to take consecutive holidays so they can truly disconnect from work. But be sensitive, for some people the thought of a long July holiday may cause anxiety rather than positive anticipation. Try to be guided by each person's needs.

6 Distribute the holiday periods

If the group doesn't agree at all, the manager may need to allocate holiday periods, which may result in not fulfilling everyone's wishes. But don't hesitate to give employees a chance to solve the puzzle before you, as manager, intervene. Set a deadline for when they must be fulfilled. If the manager is allocating, it's useful to try to look back and see what the allocation looked like last year. If an employee got all of July off last year, it may be reasonable that someone else wants that chance this year. 

7 Let someone else review the plan

If you feel hopeless about scheduling holidays, you might want to let someone else look at the plan with fresh eyes. Is there any way to do it differently, or is there something you can compromise on? Sometimes it can help to sleep on it.

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